The time is running...

Monday, April 19, 2010

Individual Report

How is your understanding of the topic after doing the project?
Understanding about interactive multimedia?

Through my understanding of the project I learn a lot of things which before I even don't know doing flash, Photoshop, adding music in the website. From time to time I had learn lot of things such as to improve my skills and knowledge about multimedia project. It enhance me to increase my creativity when I'm at first a little bit blur about creativity. From time to time my creativity is increase which I'm done my survey and search for the information how to be creative. So at last I can do a little bit creative on my website.Interactive multimedia which have video, music or sound, images and multimedia system in which related items of information are connected and can be presented together. Its also combination sound , video and text graphic.

What were the problem faced since Proposal 2? How did you/ your team solve your group problems?

For the problem in proposal 2 This project enhance me to search more on my own all the templates that before I don't even know all that flash template can be easily find for free.But I don't put the flash template in my project due to the time constrain and need more research to be done. We will try work harder than before. The drop menu also cannot done easily because the it take a longer information to be done to bring to the website. So our group decide to use our own button and make it simple not complicated and messy.

What would you do differently next time?

Next time I will adding the flash template and the 3D and high definition of multimedia which make the user to see the website more interesting and attract to my website.I also want to learn and search more brush which I found more interesting in the brushdownload. I also wanted to insert and animation more in my website and simple website.The link of the website that I want to put for future is this link

How is your motivation level?
My motivation level for the early when I receive the marks from the FOM Open Day project I feel low motivation. But I try to push my self and work harder until I get good marks and be creative and motivate from my friends and parents to become positive until the end and right now I must to be positive to become high level of motivation.

How was working with your group and group leader?

I easily working with my group and my group leader because we stay in one room and other own groupmate who is male is just by chatting and conference at the ym to divide any task . Our leader is capable and responsibility giving the task to the group and make the group run smoothly.

How was it working on the project?
Right now I'm already finish my part and I'm feel release and alot of knowledge that I gain from the project. The project I think is simple but colorful and a lil bit creative..hehehe...I also already play with the motion tween and also shape tween to the flash and also photoshop by editing and adjust the the action from the photoshop.

Personal evaluation of your own effort and that of you team

I been learn alot of creative things in digital media and study hard for my final to get a good marks. Every time I'm doing my project I try my best to learn form mistake and never done wrong on the next project. I learn to manage my time properly to settle the project early. I also learn work as a team work and always contribute idea to my own group to get the best result for our own project. I gain lot of experience, skills and knowledge to use tools and modified it to be interesting and powerful.

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